Urgent Pleas

                           URGENT: Deja, the "Duct tape dog" needs help yet again. 

UPDATES can be found near the bottom of page before the links a few updates have come in.

 March 4th 2013 in Green Township in Franklin County PA, a pitbull now named Deja-boo was found with duct tape around her nose and feet. The owner and man accused of doing this to his dog is Russel Seese Of Greentown who admitted what he had done in court.

You can read some of her article at  http://wnep.com/2013/03/04/dog-found-bound-in-duct-tape/ 

The dog who was originally named Lexi ended up in Dessin Animal Shelter in Honesdale, Pa. After all the media attention and everything else that went on with this dog a rescue stood up and pulled her. At the time when they pulled Lexi their name was Luzerne County Pit Bull Owners Group. Their rescue name has since changed to A Positive Promise Pit Bull Rescue. 

Many thought the dog was doing ok, as not much updates have circulated around about her since her rescue. Sometimes it happens in rescue on facebook even the most horrible cases are forgotten some time down the road as many more surface. Today was a different story. Lexi now named Deja-boo came across many facebook pages, this time another plea for help for this sweet dog.

The posting that many saw can be seen at this location https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10201705111371916&set=a.4442230776263.180634.1304132732&type=1&theater

This time it is the foster who has Deja, with a plea to help save her life once again. The rescue is threatening to take Deja and have her euthanized. The rescue is claiming Deja is very aggressive and would not be adoptable, there for should be euthanized. The claims from the rescue are she has tried to bite numerous people although no proof of that has been shown, yet if true. The foster counter claims the rescue has yet to provide Deja with any type of training or help. The foster also counter claims she has spent money on Deja and the rescue has not spent much. No records of anything have yet to be shown. I'm sure the rescue has received help for Deja money wise, and would only hope they have spent that on the her. We do not know for sure what the money situation is as nothing has been shown currently. Here is VIDEO released of DEJA she does not seem aggressive to me, and also seems to be well taken care of and trained as much as possible from the foster https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10201717929132352

After much backlash at the rescue today, they have tried to give a reason for their decision. Which are the claims of aggression. No proof as stated has been shown of this, the foster does seem to have some concerns but not enough or any claims of biting. The foster clearly wants to try and find help for this dog and does not want her euthanized. I would only hope the rescue will do the right thing.The screenshots between the rescue and the foster can be found on this pagehttps://www.facebook.com/groups/544699305584397/

As someone who has dealt with many aggressive dogs myself, I always feel human aggression is actually easier to handle and control then dog aggression. Human aggressive dogs can easily be handled with a muzzle on if need be. I say need be because sometimes it can be a dangerous situation and a muzzle will make sure a person is not bit. I'm not saying it is a solution, its just a mask to try and help the dog, as you cannot help the dog if it is trying to bite. A dog aggressive dog, even with a muzzle will not control the situation at hand. If a dog aggressive dog is given a muzzle you would have to in turn muzzle any dogs the dog comes in contact with. When the dog attacks or tries to attack another dog, if the other dog does not have a muzzle on then it will attack the one coming after it and harm the one with the muzzle on. A dog will not just stand by as another is snarling and lunging it will defend itself. In my mind human aggressive dogs are a lot easier to control and work with. 

I do not know full details here, as I try and make sure I do not judge without knowing facts. I will not go into who is to blame or not blame here, at least not yet til more details surface. What I do know, is this dog needs a chance, and in my opinion needs to leave the rescue it is currently with and find another rescue willing to work with her if in deed it is as bad as what is being claimed. We need to find another place for this dog to go, plain and simple. That is top Priority before her life is taken from her.

Deja playing tug of war with her foster family
 Deja has not been given a chance yet. She was found in a horrible condition, one no dog should ever have to endure. If she does have some behavioral issues she is not to blame. She has not had the time to acclimate to being loved and having a true wonderful family who cares about her. The foster family she is with now loves her but it may not be the best home for her currently. They have done all they can to help and given her the love and patience she desperately needs, but it has not been long enough. 

Deja needs to time to adjust, needs time to come to grips with the fact not all people are evil. The best environment for her it seems maybe in a home with a single woman, or someone with older kids. It seems she has a fear of men but maybe it can be worked on so maybe even a home with a man would be fine. The solution is not to end her life, but to give her a chance at living. 

Currently the rescue who has her is refusing to let her go to anyone else. Their claims are since she is un adoptable and they fight for the breed since she is not a good candidate for her breed type in that she may harm someone at some point the solution is to kill her. The rescue after all the back lash is now claiming they will have her trained or re accessed to see what the best decision is. Deja needs to find a new place to go, and the rescue needs to allow another with the ability to deal with her issues take her. 

Im not one to ever say a dog should not be put down due to aggression. If this dog had indeed bit someone, and had many issues then maybe it would be ok to put her down. Just because she lunges, or shows aggression towards someone, does not mean that it is indeed her character. It could have been anything to provoke aggression, whether a noise, or just her being spooked. Maybe she does have some issues towards kids and men, many dogs do. However many dogs are able to be rehabilitated, or sent somewhere where their triggers are not there. Do not condemn this dog to death because you believe she has the potential to bite someone. Every human has the POTENTIAL to kill, but do they? 

I am making a plea to the rescue who now has Deja, allow her to go somewhere else. allow another rescue to take her and show her what it means to live. You have made many threats towards the foster who is just looking out for the dog. The foster I hope will not hand the dog to you, or anyone you send there to take the dog. It is in the best interest of Deja she stays at the fosters home until a new place is found. If I was the foster you would not be getting her back until a court order has been made. Hopefully in that time, Deja can find a safe haven to go to and given her third chance at life. A life filled with joy, compassion, and a rescue who is willing to work with her til her last dying breath. 

As a rescue, you have an obligation to do whatever it takes to make sure death does not happen. Sometimes we get stuck with dogs who are unadoptable. It does not mean its time to kill them. You have the responsibility now to find her another place to go, train her yourself, and possibly even keep her somewhere for the rest of her life is she is un adoptable. The solution never has been or never should be to kill a dog based on assuming she is un adoptable. Its your responsibility if she is un adoptable to find another solution. LET DEJA LIVE! 

UPDATE: The rescue has released a statement they will be moving Deja tomorrow from the current foster, TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE SHARE THIS LIKE CRAZY!!!  

THERE are MANY rescues wanting to save this dog, and willing to work with her, one is this rescue here and you can see their plea https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=495875130489520&set=a.459878920755808.1073741841.445703865506647&type=1&theater  . They have been at it all night TRYING to figure a way to get this dog that the rescue is refusing to give up! Someone NEEDS to go to the foster's house and be with her today if anyone shows up! We Cannot allow them to bully this foster. If the rescue gets their hands on Deja, they will surely kill her! WE CANNOT LET THAT HAPPEN! They are claiming they will find another solution but yet admitted they cannot guarantee she will be safe. Please let another rescue guarantee her safety then! 


  Video released Aug 17th of Deja and her foster family. The claims the rescue make that this dog is beyond rehabilitation is very questionable with this video! And the claims the foster has not trained her. The foster is doing what she can but Deja may and DOES need a licensed trainer to help! Here is Deja

If anyone can help, this is the rescues facebook page please be nice, and plead with them to allow her to live and go somewhere else. https://www.facebook.com/apositivepromise

This group is what has been made to try and help Deja Live, and come up with solutions on how we can help her! https://www.facebook.com/groups/205048632993829/

This is a group made for exposing the rescue whats being said or done in this group by no means is an interpretation on what the author thinks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/544699305584397/

Please contact the foster to offer any help or Guidance on the issue here:  https://www.facebook.com/tara.kenney.940

There is also a Protest for Lexi page  https://www.facebook.com/ProtestforLexi

Here is another dog in question as well, a link to her thread they basically ended her life for the same reason they want to end Deja's  https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=580282835343369&set=a.423756564329331.89665.297889563582699&type=1&theater

An Examiner Article written on the issue and the rescue responded here to the article, a must read to see what the rescue is claiming  http://www.examiner.com/article/dog-foster-claims-rescue-is-pressuring-her-to-have-dog-euthanized

I advise everyone to please be kind for right now. It is Deja who needs our help. Negative comments and accusations can wait until Deja is safe. We NEED to get her SAFE and into another rescue as soon as possible. Do as you will with the rescue after this dog is safe. Making the rescue mad will in turn only hurt Deja!


  1. Thank you, appreciate it... Love your page as well:)

  2. Not sure why but many are saying they cannot post on here? Many have been trying:( Sorry guys not sure why you cannot!

    1. I have changed it had it set to only Google Plus members sorry! You can click the drop down button below this..... where it says comment as or whatever and do anonymous that way anyone can post but you may have to specify who you are!

  3. Great Article!!! Now people can make their own decision as to what is happening, Great facts!!!!

  4. Replies
    1. Ty Tara, and thank you so much for keeping this girl safe!! You are doing a great thing, and I hope these people do not scare you into giving her to them!

  5. Replies
    1. Of course! And thank you, for the thank you:)

  6. The examiner article link: The fact that the rescue won't let the woof go to another rescue who claim it can do right by this woof says a great deal. All the mud slinging means nothing. If this rescue really cared about Lexi, then they would not have a problem releasing the woof to the other rescue. Instead they are now fighting to get the woof back from out under Tara's care. If they let the woof go - then they are absolved from any responsibility if the woof did attack a human. Their whole response seems a pile of rubbish!

    1. Exactly Eureka! Lets hop they make a good decision! They need to release her to another rescue, end of story!

    2. I am definately on Lexi's side and I truly believe the foster mom is doing the absolute best she can with this dog. Having said that the picture of the dog playing tug-of-war concerns me. Many people play this game with their dogs with no adverse consequences, but it is a real bad idea with a dog that has any tendencies toward human aggression. It is showing the dog they can, and should try to dominate a human being.

    3. You are correct. It can sometimes have adverse effects when playing that game. It is not the best game to play, but as you said many do it, but they do not know what could come from it. Does not always happen, but sometimes.

  7. I've shared to FaceBook, to Google+ and Tweeted. My gut says that Lexi/Deeja is not safe at the current rescue.

    Tara, whatever you do - do not release woof back to current rescuers. Carol Ryder is a lawyer - in defense of animals. Operates from New York. Find her page on Face Book (she posts a lot on Causes) and ask for her help. I'm sure she will point you in the right direction. Don't delay - you are up against a lot of bullying humans. Ego has no place now.

    Lexi/Deeja's life is at stake here. Rooting for you dear woof.

    1. EUREKA We have found out some info and we believe with what we have found out..... SHE WILL BE SAFE THE RESCUE IS NOT LEGIT....

  8. Being a previous volunteer with LCPO I was always curious as to why no one aside from the President knew anything about the cashflow. We were never told how much we fundraised....how much was donated....nadda?!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I'm sure the rescue has a lawyer so why not have him/her draft a contract saying they are giving full ownership and control to whatever rescue and that they themselves will be held blameless should anyone get injured by Deja?

  10. I am left wondering how this article is full of facts. Has anyone considered what would happen to the dog if released to another foster within the group? Does the be all and end all euthanasia for certain. I feel unconvinced.

    I also can't get behind all this hoopla for a dog that may be tempermentally unsound. All this energy is much better used working to save the 1000's of tempermentally sound dogs that are euthanized in city shelters due to lack of space.

    1. By be all and end all i meant...is it for certain that she will be euthanized? I'm not seeing enough proof of that as a fact. At all.

    2. Right now the foster is now refusing to let Lexi go into a new home even though that is what she previously requested. The foundation has said they are more then willing to have her reevaluated with someone new but its kind of hard to do that when the foster is just fame hungry.

    3. Facts are coming.... We have all the FACTS this article has only what was furnished at the time and clearly stated no proof of anything was given. But we now do have a lot of proof and that will be submitted here tomorrow.

    4. We also have Screen shots where they clearly state they want the dog Euthed, then change it and say they will have the dog re evaluated but chances are its beyond saving and they still cannot guarentee the safety all this will be up tomorrow

    5. Perhaps everyone should look at this groups website with a fine tooth comb. The information there is alarming and concerning. The group that makes up the Board of Directors does not even mention any experience that ANY of them have in the field of veterinary science. The women who make up the Board of Directors are the ones who make the decision to euthanize animals in their care. If I had seen this website prior to today regardless of this information and this situation, I would still would be concerned. It appears this is a group of people who present themselves as for the animals but have little to show for it.

  11. Ugh! An article about the inhumane living conditions of 10s of thousands of junkyard dogs across the country would be a better use of energy. Let the courts and legal professionals handle this.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Well, that makes it difficult if the courts and legal professionals are unaware of this groups actions. And I just adopted a shelter dog that was on the "list." How dare you refer to him as a "junkyard dog." They are animals that are thrown away because people are too irresponsible for spaying and neutering, vaccinating, and taking care of an animal. And I am not afraid to show my identity to stand up for these animals.

    3. I think that's literally junkyard dogs. Not homeless dogs within the shelter system.

  12. lots of confusion here, but one thing i am not confused about is that tug is not a good game for any dog with aggression issues. especially a pit. uh uh.

    1. Have you seen the video of Deja hat is posted above? Please view the video and come back with facts please and how you truly think the dog is. I see no aggression and see a dog who can definitely be rehabilitated

  13. A blog post from a world famous pit bull rescue about the choice to euthanize a dog within their own rescue.


    Perhaps letting Lexi have the months she had away from her abuser should be seen as an added gift she was given. Extra months she may not have had if not for the rescue that gave her those months. Euthanasia is a gift we, as humans, can give animals in certain cases. Perhaps, thinking on a different level would be more effective here. Just a thought.

    1. Have you seen the video posted of Deja? It is above in article please view it and tell me if that is a dog that cannot be Rehabilitated? The dog looks very peaceful and at ease in video. After you view the video come back with allegations she maybe better off Euthed. I am all for Euthanizing if it is what should be done, in this case there is NO need!

    2. I'm not saying that is necessarily the case. BUT! if a veterinarian behaviorist with a PhD in animal behavior deemed this animal unsound. It is OK to let her go. Rescues make these decisions every single day.

  14. The only reason any one cares about this particular dog is because she was in the news. I don't see you all running out to your local shelters offering to foster....because you don't give a hoot....all your looking for is fame!

    1. Looking for fame, not fostering or adopting animals from the shelter! Excuse me, for correcting you. I recently drove six hours to New York to save a dog that was scheduled to be put down due to her medical problems! I spent over $1,500 (out of my pocket)for medical care. I did not ask for help, and was/is looking for "fame". I did it because I knew that she deserved to live, and that she wasn't perfect & no one would step forward to taking her because of her medical problems! Total cost over $3,000! She is alive, well and living in a wonderful home! I do not live in the area where Deja is, so she was not on the news here! Someone passed on an article to me, that is how I became knowledgeable. We could are now trying to save her life (once again) received a post pertaining to what is happening to her! We are a huge group of individuals who love animals; who try to do as much as we can to stop abuse, and to save as many as we can, to try to give them the life they never had. Deja-Boo is not aggressive, and NO rescue should have the right to play god, and destroy an animal because hiring a TRAINER or BEHAVIORIST will dig into their pockets! There is a rescue willing to take her, who has trainers and a behaviorist to work with her! Yet this so-called rescue will not relinquish her. WHY? There is no reason!

      Let me ask you this? Are you aware that this so-called rescue group took in another dog not too long, and had her put down for the same reason? The foster got sick and turned her over to them, and that is how they dealt with her, when the foster had stated that she would have taken her back!

      Fame? How do I get fame out of this? I do run nor work for rescue. I rescue on my own, rehabilitate and then place one dog at a time. I do not receive money from anyone or any place. I am not interested in fame. I am; however, interested in the welfare and treatment of animals.

      BTW, the foster of DEJA, has not received any help, financially or otherwise from anyone. She did and nor does not have a page for Deja. She quietly took her on, and worked with her all these months. However, now with this, she has broken her silence: only because she is trying to save and do what is best for DEJA.

    2. Amen! AND I MYSELF have rescued MANY animals and am currently still even though im not up and running at the moment im still a registered rescue myself.... This has NOTHING to do about fame. How is that? Do you see this all over the news? No. this is about a dogs life that many of us remember seeing and trying to help, and talking about it. Not our fault it got on the news. As with any of the dogs we have ever encountered if any of them had ever shown back up like this one, we would have done the same, news, or no news. This dog deserves to live regardless!

  15. If you are speaking of Ana you again are not aware of all of the facts. The original foster was sick indeed and didn't correct her when she went after her resident dog time and time again. Ana went in a great dog and came out with severe aggression. They said they moved her to another foster and that Ana started going after children as well as other animals. I'm sorry are you willing to use your child to "rehabiliate" this dog? No.

    1. THIS will be UPDATED in a day or two. I will need that time to collect some info etc. And will UPDATE soon. So far the dog Deja is safe, but their are other issues at hand. Can say that Im NOT taking sides what so ever but I did talk to the Rescue and cleared some allegations up others have made about other issues etc. I will be posting my last part about this soon! Thanks!
